In our history of 24 years, we have been committed to provide the best quality product and service. In the current cost-based market we are still committed to the quality standards that we have maintained since inception. Apart from this crucial element of in clothing, we further believe that we need to take certain steps and make changes in our operations to facilitate a sustainable future. The initiatives we undertake henceforth are at equal priority as quality has been over the years.
'The fashion industry is one of the highest polluters in the world. The total impact it has is higher than the impact of aviation and shipping industry combined'
In a country where roti, kapda and makaan are considered a basic necessity, our 1.3 billion population makes it a thing to worry about. Couple that with the fast-fashion and online shopping trends, and we have a disaster awaiting for us in the future. Like a ticking time bomb.
Has it ever occurred to you that stuff you bought a few years back lasted longer tan what you get toda?. Or you ignore it because you anyway got it at 65% off. Ever wondered who takes a cut for those deep-discounts. The brand, employees, workers or the product itself?
'It takes 2650 litres of water to produce cotton required for 1 T-Shirt'
Finding a balance between pessimism and optimism.We have decided to align our goals with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations Development Program. Currently we have taken up initiatives in response to 5 SDGs (SDG: 1,9,12,14 & 15) and are working on including the rest as well. These include making changes in our practices by removing, phasing-out and including certain stuff from our operations. A larger role here is also to help educate customers about better practices and the changes they can make in their daily lives to help reduce their individual impact. Apart from this we are looking to make partnerships with external entities in order to increase our reach and have a better impact.
What are the Sustainable Development Goals?
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. The 17 SDGs are integrated—that is, they recognize that action in one area will affect outcomes in others, and that development must balance social, economic and environmental sustainability.

Finding a balance between pessimism and optimism.We have decided to align our goals with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations Development Program. Finding ways to improve our impact and the impact our customers have. Currently we have taken up initiatives in response to 5 SDGs (SDG: 1,9,12,14 & 15) and are working on including the rest as well. These include making changes in our practices by removing, phasing-out and including certain stuff from our operations. A larger role here is also to help educate customers about better practices and the changes they can make in their daily lives to help reduce their individual impact. Apart from this we are looking to make partnerships with external entities in order to increase our reach and have a better impact.
Out of the various initiatives we have planned to implement over the course of year 2020. These are a few that are a part of the Phase 1 of our action plan.
Zero Single use plastics in our operations
Zero wastage of raw materials
Mend and Donate old and damaged clothes collected from customers and Samaritans at collection centers, to the less fortunate.
Improve the transparency in our operations by helping customers know about the people who made their products by mapping our operations and workers.
Use only recyclable, environment friendly or re-purposed items for non-essentials purposes in our operations (Display, Informatics, packaging etc)
Explore alternative materials while educating and encourage better buying.
Ever wondered who made the stuff you proudly call your favourite?
We help make that possible.