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We ask everyone some standard questions. Most of them are translated and illustrated by our team in English from the language the person prefers to answer in. The questions we ask are quite basic and we are open to suggestions for the same. Drop us a mail in case you have any of your own!


In the journey of knowing more about who makes the stuff we call our favourite, meet this wonderful person who helped make the product you just bought!


Asma Sharif Shaikh , 34  

Vashi, Osmanabad, Maharashtra


~She Helped Stitch This For You~

What's your Name? 
~My full name is Asma Sharif Shaikh
Which language do you speak at home? 
~I speak Marathi 
How old are you?
~I'm 34 years old
Where are you from?
~I am originally from Vashi, Osmanabad, Maharashtra 
Tell us about your education?
~I am 8th Pass  
What are your hobbies?
~I like listening to Jokes and reading at times 
Who all are in your family and what do they do?
~My husband does furniture work. I have two daughters, both are studying right now. One is In T.Y. B.Com and other one started with engineering this year. 
Make a wish!
~I want to see my daughters completing their education.  
What's your talent?
Liked the Experience?

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